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"My wife and I tried to breakfast together, but we had to stop or our marriage would have been wrecked." -Winston Churchill
I knew a month ago that I wanted to participate in the fourth edition of the End of Month Egg on Toast Extravaganza (kindly hosted by the meggnificent Jeanne of Cook Sister!
), but I wasn't sure that the style of eggs I normally eat would be
eggxotic enough to keep company with the crowd of reggulars over there.
We always tie on the diner feedbag on Sunday mornings around my house,
but it just didn't seem eleggant enough to call to Jeanne's attention.
I mean, we think scrambled eggs are deleggtable, but would the other
EoMEoTEers think so, too?
Some might think this breakfast a bit eggstravagant, but not when you look at it as the kind of good old-fashioned gut-filler that silences any grumbles until dinner (at least). Organic pork sausages, home fries made from fingerlings and onions with sea salt and freshly ground pepper, scrambled eggs with cream and fresh thyme, and olive oil bread toasted and spread with butter. Add on some orange juice and a couple of cups of coffee, and you're set.
Fingers crossed, the deggxterous EoMEoTEers will find them just as begguiling as we do.
Don't know what you're worried about - that's eggsactly what we like for EoMEoTE!! Oh, I get it... you were yolking, right??
I'm drooling - what is it about a cooked breakfast that's so universally appealing?? Hmmm, thyme in scrambled eggs. Will have to poach that idea...
Posted by: Jeanne | March 02, 2005 at 12:36 PM
Pheeww...I'm eggstatic! This is probably my favourite breakfast, but you never know what anyone else finds eggceptional, do you?
Posted by: Moira | March 02, 2005 at 01:20 PM
Oh...breakfast foods are the best. And that looks delicious!
Posted by: Stephanie | March 02, 2005 at 02:06 PM
I, for one, being very very picky about how my eggs are prepared, question the inclusion of scrambled eggs. Now, fried or hardboiled with the other accompaniments would be great. Of course, my husband would disagree with me completely on this. He adores scrambled eggs and would think he had died and gone to heaven if your breakfast were presented to him.
May I hasten to add that your toast and homefries are eggsactly (yikes!! now you've got me doing it here too!) the sort of thing I love to have with my fried or hardboiled eggs.
P.S. The thyme is a nice idea!
Posted by: ejm | March 02, 2005 at 02:33 PM
not to mention the Pork Chipolatas... are they spicy? They look fantastic! (Have you ever used them for sausage rolls?)
Posted by: ejm | March 02, 2005 at 02:36 PM
hi moira! mmm, i'm hungry again. the only place i can find chipolatas (or bangers for that matter) here is at the base exchange, but i can find any type of german sausage around the island, no problem. who knew?
Posted by: santos | March 02, 2005 at 07:52 PM
Looks dee-lish! I am hoping the EoMEoTE folks find your platter beguiling too (I do!)!!
Posted by: Giao | March 02, 2005 at 11:44 PM
Hi Moira,
Yummy! I better stop! =P Thanks for tempting me.
Posted by: Reid | March 02, 2005 at 11:49 PM
Hi Stephanie...thanks!
Hi Elizabeth...homefries with hard-boiled eggs?!?!?!? That is *very* interesting! No, the chipolatas aren't spicy, but they are very tasty. I've never made sausage rolls before...have you?
Hi Santos...that *is* funny about the sausages- why do you think that's so?
Hi Giao...thanks, sweetie!
Hi Reid...if we move back to Hawaii next year, I promise to have you over for breakfast, subbing Portuguese sausages instead, of course!
Posted by: Moira | March 03, 2005 at 05:18 PM
I adore scrambled eggs but they have to not be runny. I can't stand anytype of runny eggs - blahhh. Yours, however look delicious and with thyme? Yum. Those fries look yum too, but I'd prefer crispy bacon on the side rather than the chipolatas.... Still, if you served this up before me it would be gone in no time....
Posted by: Melody | March 03, 2005 at 08:44 PM
hi moira--i'm not so sure about the english connection, but i think the euro-connection has to do with local servicemen (guam has one of the highest enlistment rates per capita)from WW2 up until the present had been stationed in europe and came home with european brides who brought their culinary traditions with them. many of the women they came home with were (are) country girls, so some of the heartier fare--sausages, pickles, cheeses, breads--has become supermarket staples.
Posted by: santos | March 03, 2005 at 11:37 PM
I find that pic eggstremely tantalizing.... ;-)
Posted by: rowena | March 04, 2005 at 02:56 AM
Hi Moira,
Oooh! Are you planning on moving back? That would be fun.... =)
Posted by: Reid | March 04, 2005 at 03:28 AM
Yes, I have made sausage rolls, Moira. My mom used to make them for parties (I'm pretty sure that I was relegated to do them on at least one occasion). But I've made them as an adult as well. The only thing that has bothered me about sausage rolls is the quality of the sausages. It's not easy to find really good bangers. So my brilliant husband came up with a recipe. We don't put the sausages in casings but it doesn't seem to matter. The sausage rolls are easily as good as my mom's (which are stellar)
sausage roll recipe:
Posted by: ejm | March 04, 2005 at 11:20 AM
Hi Melody...I can't do runny scrambled eggs, either, but I have developed a taste for sunny side up lately!
Hi Santos...of course, that makes sense! I always forget about the military connection, don't know why.
Hi Reid...we won't find out for another six months or so (fingers crossed), but it's definitely a strong possibility. It would be amazing!
Hi Elizabeth...thanks for the recipe link! I'll have to give them a try, and since I have a houseful of willing testers (big and small), I won't have to worry about eating them all myself!
Posted by: Moira | March 04, 2005 at 06:04 PM
This sounds amazingly good. I love sausage and I love eggs and the whole combination of flavors is right up my alley. My problem is finding the recipe. Doesn't seem to be attached to the post. Can you please help me?
I would love to make this next Saturday for breakfast. Tomorrow we're eating out!! I look forward to those Saturdays' when we go out to eat breakfast at our favorite diner (Royal Diner on Rte 31 in Washington, NJ).
Diners definitely have the best breakfasts bar none!
Love your blog.
Keep up the good work!
Posted by: RisaG | March 04, 2005 at 07:14 PM
Moira, this looks like the quintessential weekend our house, served on trays in bed. What's the closest equivalent to a chipolata that I'm likely to find on the east coast in the States? Regular pork breakfast sausage, like Jones' brand?
Posted by: Julie | March 04, 2005 at 11:46 PM
Wahhhh! You're moving back home????
Posted by: rowena | March 05, 2005 at 08:58 AM
Hi Risa...I miss going to diners for breakfast SO much! I love making breakfast, but sometimes you just want to go out, you know?
I'm glad you're enjoying my blog! What do you need a recipe for- the scrambled eggs...the potatoes...the bread? Let me know and I'll email any or all.
Hi Julie...hmmm, these sausages have a bit more flavour than the Jones brand, I think. Here's a little review I found online about the ones that I use:
Duchy Selections Old-Fashioned Pork Sausages with Herbs
£2.69 for 400g
If you like a smooth, herby sausage, this is an excellent example, without that intrusive dried-herb flavour in cheaper sausages. Do him credit: Prince Charles does care about animal welfare and insists that the pigs going into his bangers are free range and naturally reared. The sausages are 85 per cent pork, and contain no flavour enhancers or GM ingredients.
Hee, hee- I'm eating the Prince's sausages! Wow, that sounded really rude. ;-)
Anyway, could you get the plain meat and make your own mix? Elizabeth (over at Blog from Our Kitchen) has a recipe that she uses in her sausage rolls and it sounds really good:
Hi Rowena...well, there's a good chance, but we won't know for awhile yet! Do you think you'll ever get back?
Posted by: Moira | March 05, 2005 at 07:17 PM
Now don't go knocking the simple pleasure of a Saturday morning diner-style fry up! My favourite sort of breakfast generally just involves eggs, toast and one or more of spinach, mushrooms or asparagus and your breakfast looks like exactly the sort of thing I'd be dying to eat! Yum. So when am I invited for breakfast?
Posted by: Lyn | March 07, 2005 at 12:51 AM
Hi Lyn...glad you like it! You're welcome for breakfast anytime you make it over to my little section of farmland in the East Anglia...let me know!
Posted by: Moira | March 08, 2005 at 06:57 AM